A downloadable game

The tenth issue of Casket of Fays is here. While we were bringing this issue together, the great Russ Nicholson passed from this mortal vale. We wanted to celebrate his life and work somehow, so leading with a cover by him, we have

A Tribute to Russ Nicholson by Dave Morris. A heartfelt piece about Russ by Dave, accompanied by a favourite illustration, Taymora Wharf.

We continue with:

Ring of True Seeing by Chris Jolliffe, a new magical item that parts the veil of illusion.

FAQs for Dragon Warriors (Part 2), the serialisation of Dave Morris's Q&A continues.

Talking with Damian, an interview with prolific gamer and Dragon WarriorDamian May.

Hudristania by Paul Partington, an excerpt from ‘A Brief History of Hudristania’ by Marek Groza, detailing a lesser visited corner of Legend.

Ferryman by Chris Jolliffe, meeting a fellow whose toll will only allow you to pass one way.

The Grimoire of Albus Gwydion by Chris Jolliffe, five new spells that could prove the difference between life and death.

Kenshi by Wayne Imlach, a modification to the Knight profession, giving a more agile swordsman, able to hold their own even when outnumbered.

The Dreamer of the Dunes by Andrew Wright, a two-page visual treat, revisiting a creature from the Golden Dragon books, lurking beneath the sands and hungry to meet you.

Stealing the Enchanted Blade by Mark Dowson, a programmed adventure, answering the question whether YOU can steal the enchanted blade.


Thanks to artists: Russ Nicholson, Andrew Wright, Brockprint, Carlos Castilho, Chris Lawson, David M. Donachie

This fanzine includes material based on the Dragon Warriors setting, as created by and copyright © Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and used according to the terms of the Serpent King Games Fan Policy.

We are not permitted to charge you to use or access this content. This document is not published, endorsed, or officially approved by Serpent King Games.

For more information about Dragon Warriors products and Serpent King Games, please visit their website.


Casket of Fays #10 12 MB
Dreamer of the Dunes (A4) 1.3 MB

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