A downloadable game

We bid you welcome to the fourth issue of Casket of Fays. What delights will spring forth from the Casket this time? This issue is too full of goodness for us to do a preamble here, so below lie a few teasers for you. The whole issue is available for you to download. Adventure into The Deep Dark Wood and discover its mystery.

Encounter the vicious Trollbear. We hope you survive the experience.

Erupt into a Berserker Rage.

More, much more, will be found within the Casket.

This fanzine includes material based on the Dragon Warriors setting, as created by and copyright © Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and used according to the terms of the Serpent King Games Fan Policy.

We are not permitted to charge you to use or access this content. This document is not published, endorsed, or officially approved by Serpent King Games.

For more information about Dragon Warriors products and Serpent King Games, please visit their website.

Writers: Andrew Wright, Bonivant, Brock, Chris and Stella Meacham, Christian Hagga, Damian May, Lee Barklam, Nigel Ward, Shaun Hately, Stephen Keightley, Tom Clare, Wayne Imlach

Artists: Andrew Wright, Brockprint, Nigel Ward, Shaun Hately, tentacles_of_gloom


Casket of Fays #4 (itch.io).pdf 9.1 MB

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